Water Damage Restoration After a Flood


flooded-house-below-staircaseThe public awareness of the health implications that a presence of mold and mildew brings and advancements in water damage restoration technology has made water damage restoration a rapidly growing industry in the United States.

Recent flooding can turn your life upside down. Water damage on a house can be devastating, and it does take a while for things to go back to normal. And most often than not, it takes a while before you can move back to your home.

A cutting-edge water damage restoration company will have people, construction, and electricians under one roof and is your best bet in treating your water damaged home.

After the deluge and when it’s time to pick up the pieces, here are some things to keep in mind:

Be Extra Careful

Flooding may be caused by underground water, falling water, or a home water system malfunction. You can never be so sure that it’s safe to enter your home, especially with visible signs of water damage.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency advises checking for easy to see signs of structural damage. Make sure to check for cracks in the foundation or the floor.

Cut Off the Water Flow and Shut Down the Power Source

The most important step to take is to cut off the water flow. If you see a leak and you are not sure where it is coming from, it’s best to shut off the water to your house.

The second most important step to take is to shut off your home’s power source. It is very risky to reach into your fuse box coming from the water. It’s best to leave this in the hands of a water damage restoration specialist.

Dry Your Home Out

Waste no time in drying your house out. After a flood, it’s highly likely there is more profound damage to your home’s walls, floors, furniture, etc.

If you are unable to dry your home out efficiently, this will lead to the development of mold and mildew and other harmful bacteria.

If drying out your home is not something you believe that you can do capably, it’s best to leave it in the hands of experts in water damage restoration. Not only do they have the latest technology available to address such issues, but then can also get the job done quickly.

From the time something gets wet, it only takes 24 to 48 hours for mold to start to grow. Outside this window, the spores will divide to the point where it will cause permanent damage to your property.

Water damage restoration experts know how to perform water extraction, dehumidify, and address the presence of molds.

Move Your Damaged Items

If you can assess that it’s safe to handle items (such as electronics and furniture) that are wet, move them to a dry place and provide ventilation.

Water damage restoration experts can restore electronics, furniture, and art pieces to excellent condition.

How Water Damage Restoration Works

A restoration project entails a lot of work. A reputable water damage restoration specialist will use dehumidifiers, air purifiers, blowers, fans, wall dryers, and floor dryers and cleaners for a complete dry out of your home and your belongings. They may also perform mold and mildew remediation if it has come to the point where mold and mildew have grown.

Although it sounds like a job this big will be expensive, water damage restoration will cost far less than would save your house and belongings that have incurred permanent water damage.

It could be much worse. Full restoration could require quite a few additional steps beyond a simple fix. If the water has invaded your home’s structure, the water damage restoration project might be much more prominent. If things come to a worst-case scenario, you are facing a sizable home renovation project.

Contact Experts In Water Damage Restoration

If saving your home and belongings at a much lower price is desirable, contact a water damage restoration company immediately. Don’t wait until it has set in your home’s foundation and don’t wait until someone in your family gets sick.

Water damage restoration specialists will know how to ensure the structure of your home, your belongings, and the health of your family won’t be compromised after a flood. A bonus is that they can also give you advice on what to do the next time a water surge happens.